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Howard Civil Engineering 


Rockingham, Barnsley

Gateway 36 Industrial Units

UKScrapers played a role in Phase One of the Gateway 36 project, a significant industrial development in Barnsley, England. The aim of the project, led by Harworth Group, was to transform a former colliery pit site into a sprawling complex of light industrial units spanning over 1.5 million square feet. Howard Civil Engineering LTD, the main contractor appointed by Harworth Group, entrusted us with crucial earthmoving tasks on one half of the site.

Our involvement commenced with the meticulous removal of approximately 30,000 cubic meters of topsoil, which was thoughtfully stockpiled in designated areas. Once the Topsoil management and other stockpile management was completed, we proceeded with the extensive earthworks project. This phase entailed the careful excavation of around 90,000 cubic meters of earth, utilising GPS technology to achieve precise levels. The excavated material was then layered by us and compacted by Howards.

Working in close collaboration with Howards, our focus was on creating well-structured plateaus to support the construction of the large industrial units. Throughout the project, we encountered various challenges, including the excavation through layers of boulders and stones. These materials were properly stockpiled for later processing by Howards.

Our contributions to the Gateway 36 project were part of a broader effort to transform the former colliery pit site into a thriving hub of industrial activity. We are grateful to Howards for the opportunity to play a role in this significant endeavour.

Below is a Youtube Video showing some of the earthmoving that took place.

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