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Professional Group


City Fields, Wakefield

City Fields Remediation 

UKScrapers was contracted by Professional Group for another project at the former Wakefield Power Station site now known as City Fields. Our contribution involved supplying two GPS-equipped Bulldozers with towed scrapers on a hire basis. The duration of the job was approximately one and a half months, during which our focus was to excavate box cuts down to the original ground level across the site in a sequential manner. The main objective was to remediate the excavated subsoil by ensuring the removal of all contaminants and oversize materials.

While Professional Group took charge of the removal of oversize materials and contaminants, as well as conducting CBR testing on the made ground, UKScrapers provided the bulldozers and scrapers to enhance their earthmoving operations and expedite the process. Our goal was to work in collaboration with Professional Group, offering our equipment and expertise to support their remediation efforts.

Our focus was on delivering the necessary equipment and working seamlessly alongside Professional Group to achieve the objectives of the remediation process. With our GPS-equipped Bulldozers and towed scrapers, we contributed to the efficient and effective execution of the project.

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